Book an Appointment
If you are interested in the Spiritual Development 3 Month Mentorship Program, please contact Jeni Archer at Hearth Magick via text or phone call at (888) 495-7450. ONLY CLICK TO BOOK THESE APPOINTMENTS ONLINE IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED THE PACKAGE. Thank you!
Welcome to the online booking site!
Discovery Call
A Discovery Call is a way to ensure my practice will be a good match for you. This is a free, 5-10 minute call where we can discuss what is needed, see if we resonate as practitioner & client, and go over your expectations and goals for the session.
You can either choose to book this first, or instead go on to book the session you want and I will contact you to schedule the Discovery Call separately.
Past Life Regression
Many times we feel like we've worked through a particular issue as much as possible through all kinds of methods, but are still not seeing the benefits of that work. The issue continues to be an issue, regardless of what spiritual or therapeutic endeavors we attempt, and we find ourselves frustrated and exhausted from our efforts.
In these situations, it may be that we unknowingly (or knowingly) brought this issue into our current life from past incarnations, in order to heal it or address it in a different way. This could encompass anything from a fear of water that simply will not go away to a destructive relationship pattern that continues to persist no matter how much you try. Finding and releasing these unspoken contracts with our own Higher Self and with others in our lives can shed new light on old patterns and help us move past them in a positive way.
It may also be that you are simply curious about who you were in past incarnations, and are looking to learn about yourself more deeply in this way.
In a Past Life Regression, we first move backward through your current life, into your time in the womb, and through to a past incarnation that you deem relevant to what you wish to discover or work on. After that past life is concluded, we move on to any other related lives if needed, then into the spirit world to conduct a review and experience deep healing with your Guide. This is also the space where we can uncover any agreements you may have made with yourself or others at the Soul level.
These sessions run 2 to 2 1/2 hours.
{For remote sessions, this will take place via the Jane software where you schedule your appointments, and you will be sent a link to the video call in your confirmation email. A working computer with audio and visual capabilities is required.}
Tarot Reading
One of the most fascinating aspects of Tarot is that no one is entirely certain how it actually works. Our best guess is that the energy flow between the reader and the client creates a unique environment that affects how the cards are shuffled and where they fall, producing a story that helps the client better understand their situation.
Therefore, the more open clients are with their energy, the better results they will find. There is nothing to fear from Tarot - the answers you receive here do not in any way affect free will.
Tarot simply takes a 'snapshot' of the energy as it is in that moment, and if you hear something you do not like it is entirely within your power to shift your personal energy and attention and thereby shift that story.
In this session, we will utilize our energetic connection through the cards to explore several different spreads in order to gain deeper understanding around your current issue, question, or situation, and offer clarity to how you should move forward.
You are welcome to record via audio and/or take pictures of the spreads if you wish. Tarot Readings can be repeated every 3-6 months as needed, or can be a singular occurrence.
This appointment is 45 minutes.
{For remote sessions, this will take place via the Jane software where you schedule your appointments, and you will be sent a link to the video call in your confirmation email. A working computer with audio and visual capabilities is required.}
Energy Work
We are all connected through an invisible web of energy. You may have experienced this when you met your spouse, child, or even a close friend, and recognized how you resonated right they felt like you or like they were part of you...a 'Knowing', so to speak. Even walking into a room where an argument has just been taking place and feeling that heaviness in the air shows the power of the vibrations we give off and receive every day.
This energy that surrounds us all can also be used in helping us heal if we learn to direct it, creating focused waves of love, peace, joy, balance, alignment, and repair toward our bodies and energetic centers. I strongly encourage you to do some digging into the science of Cymatics and Cymatic patterns to learn how beautifully matter can be affected by vibration.
I never sought out training in any specific kind of Energy Work, though I have been a professional practitioner for some time. I simply do what I have done intuitively for decades since I was a child to help hold space for those who need energy shifted within and around them, and have seen incredible results in my clients.
For this appointment, we will first discuss where you feel you need shifting or rebalancing of energy, and how you would like to feel after your session. You will then get comfortable in the reclining client chair as I gently rest my hands on different locations on the body to channel directed energy to you in order to affect those shifts.
In this, we are working together - I am not healing you, I am simply holding space, serving as the channel between you and Spirit as you heal yourself. Over time, you can come to learn how to do this on your own, as well.
Should I get any intuitive information about your situation or the energy within or around you, I will share that with you after the session and we can discuss it if you desire.
This appointment is 45 minutes, divided into 15 minutes for discussion and 30 minutes of actual Energy Work.
{For remote sessions, this will take place via the Jane software where you schedule your appointments, and you will be sent a link to the video call in your confirmation email. A working computer with audio and visual capabilities is required.}
Spiritual Development (single session)
In this appointment, we will approach your journey in a discussion designed to help answer any questions you may have or offer the guidance you may seek. Session topics can range from everyday issues such as relationship troubles or questions around career choices to deeper matters such as choosing or shifting your spiritual path, developing your own intuitive abilities, or questions on spirituality in general.
I personally hold the belief that no one is more 'gifted' with information than anyone else, and we all have the same connection to Spirit. I am no one's guru. However, just as I can learn from those who are further along the path than me or who are walking different paths, I can also help guide those who are younger in their journeys or seeking knowledge I've gained through my own unique progression. As Ram Dass said so profoundly, "We're all just walking each other home."
My experience and Intuition allow me to help you view your circumstances from a different perspective and offer guidance based on that view. This can be extremely helpful for shifting unwanted patterns, behaviors, or beliefs in your life, for moving your own spiritual journey further along your chosen path, or for a more in-depth exploration of spirituality in general.
Each appointment is 45 minutes.
{For remote sessions, this will take place via the Jane software where you schedule your appointments, and you will be sent a link to the video call in your confirmation email. A working computer with audio and visual capabilities is required.}
***For those who are seeking a true spiritual Mentorship Program, please see the other Spiritual Development session marked "Spiritual Development (3 Month Mentorship)"
Spiritual Development (3 Month Mentorship)
If you are interested in the Spiritual Development 3 Month Mentorship Program, please contact Jeni Archer at The Integrated Soul via text or phone call at (888) 495-7450. ONLY CLICK TO BOOK THESE APPOINTMENTS ONLINE IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED THE PACKAGE. Thank you!
This 3-month Mentorship Program is designed for those taking a deep dive into shifting their path, whether that be centered on career, relationships, personal spiritual journey, spiritual curiosity, development of abilities, or any combination of these. It includes six Spiritual Development sessions (in-person or remote) spread out over three months, plus continuous support through text messaging between the hours of 9am-5pm Monday through Friday for the duration of the three months within reason and availability.
In each of the six sessions, we will discuss where you are in your particular journey and the situations surrounding you, creating a plan together to help keep you moving in the direction you desire. This could look like spending all our time on one subject, or covering many varying subjects over our time together. Should you require Energy Work or Tarot during any of your six sessions, that will be included, interchangeable with the discussion.
***(Purchasing the package by contacting Jeni directly essentially gives you one 'free' session plus ongoing text support during the 3 month period and allows you to book your sessions online!)***
I personally hold the belief that no one is more 'gifted' with information than anyone else, and we all have the same connection to Spirit. I am no one's guru. However, just as I can learn from those who are further along the path than me or who are walking different paths, I can also help guide those who are younger in their journeys or seeking knowledge I've gained through my own unique progression. As Ram Dass said so profoundly, "We're all just walking each other home."
My experience and Intuition allow me to help you view your circumstances from a different perspective and offer guidance based on that view. This can be extremely helpful for shifting unwanted patterns, behaviors, or beliefs in your life, for moving your own spiritual journey further down your chosen path, or for a more in-depth exploration of spirituality in general.
Each appointment is 45 minutes.
{For remote sessions, this will take place via the Jane software where you schedule your appointments, and you will be sent a link to the video call in your confirmation email. A working computer with audio and visual capabilities is required.}
***For those who are seeking a one-time session, please see the other Spiritual Development session marked "Spiritual Development (single session)"
Clinical Hypnotherapy
When we've consciously done the work to change or shift things in our lives from an intellectual or cerebral standpoint, but are not seeing the benefits of that work, it is often time to address the issue in our subconscious minds, instead. There is only so much we can do through willpower, or through directing our conscious, everyday mind directly. The deepest change takes place at the subconscious levels of our mind, where lasting change in behaviors and beliefs can occur. This is where our true beliefs and understanding of Self lies.
For instance, you may be working day and night energetically attempting to manifest a promotion, but if your subconscious mind believes you don't deserve it or you wouldn't be any good in the new position, nothing you do from a conscious standpoint is going to affect the change you want.
Clinical Hypnotherapy harnesses the power of the Theta state, where your brain is creating Theta waves, allowing a way to bypass the barriers of the conscious mind and diving deeper to affect true change. This is a natural state your brain enters every time you're falling asleep, just waking up, in deep meditation, or 'in the flow' doing something you love. Even driving can produce it (we know it as 'highway hypnosis') where you arrive at your destination with no conscious memory of how you got there.
When we enter this state intentionally, we can then move around the conscious-mind barricades of limiting beliefs, unproductive inherited patterns, or lack of self-awareness.
In this session, we will work to discover important information in your current life related to the issue at hand (fear, stress, lack of self-confidence, unhealthy relationship patterns, emotional relationship to food, etc.).
Once located and thoroughly explored, I will guide you toward releasing the issue and rebalancing it. You then will choose what productive energy, positive feedback, or helpful thought patterns you would like to replace it with.
The methods used in this type of Hypnotherapy are:
- Regression - moving back through your current life to explore instances (and possibly the origin) of the issue to examine from a subconscious state
- Hypnobridge Therapy - repeating and re-experiencing a particular scenario multiple times from the safety of the hypnotic stateuntil the emotional attachment or disturbance is greatly reduced
- Parts Therapy - examining various parts of your subconscious and personifying them in order to have productive discussions and determine how best to help each Part feel safe and secure (examples include Inner Child, Wise Woman, The One Who's Afraid of Water, The One Who Can't Speak in Public, etc. - This method is often used for cases of trauma, as it does not require the client to revisit the instance or instances of the trauma itself)
- Therapeutic Release - guided visualization, determined by information you provide, to comfortably remove the emotional imprint of the issue from your body and your energy
This session runs 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
You may find relief in a singular session or require multiple visits, so after your appointment we will discuss what's best for you moving forward.
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Need Help? (888) 495-7450